
In Loving Memory (ML) – Memorial Cert.


Trifold Card

Inside Text:  Prayer through the Intercession of Saint Anthony of Padua

Almighty God, you have given Saint Anthony to your people as an outstanding preacher and teacher and as a ready helper to all in need.

Through this holy intercession, welcome into your heavenly kingdom the special person for whom we pray and all the faithful departed who have gone before us in faith and are now at rest in the hope of rising to eternal life in you. Amen.

League of Saint Anthony Memorial Membership has been conferred upon <name of deceased loved one> who will be remembered daily in the Masses and Prayers of the seminarians and Capuchin Community of Saint Lawrence Seminary.

Eternal rest grant unto them , O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

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